by Fr. Silviu
To introduce the topic bluntly, according to our Tradition we don’t talk in church. The church is the place in which Christ rests and in which He alone speaks (even through our own mouths comes only His voice), and in this way (and other ways) we show our awareness of this extraordinary reality. Visit a traditional monastery (especially of the Athonite tradition) and observe the proper behavior in church. On the one hand, it is understandable that every now and then there are important things that must be said, but, on the other hand, we certainly cannot chat or have casual conversations. So, let us only speak when something must be said, and that also should only be done in whisper! But certainly there is no reason for us to have any other conversations and in regular voice. Not even in a low voice. The only “church voice” is whisper. And, again, this "church voice" should only be used under special circumstances, very rarely. And especially not during services! If you wish to talk, wait until the service is over and then walk outside. Or into the hall.